Fill in the blanks.

i.                    After Asia, Africa is the largest Continent and it consists of more than thirty-five independent countries.

ii.                  Africa was called the Dark Continent.

iii.               The village life anywhere in the world is closely associated with agriculture.

iv.                Nigeria is mainly an agricultural country.

v.                  Nigeria is the largest country in West Africa.

vi.                Nigeria is the most thickly populated of all the African countries.

vii.              A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest.

viii.           A Nigerian village may consist of a dozen to about three dozen huts.

ix.                A cone-shaped room was made in a hut.

x.                  A narrow opening was left for entrance on the side toward the sun.

xi.                The courtyard of the house is the centre of all activities in a village’s hut.

xii.             The people sleep on mats spread on mud-plastered floors.

xiii.           Farmers cannot rear cattle in an African village

xiv.            On account of a kind of fly whose sting kills the cattle and causes sleeping sickness among human beings.

xv.              The farmer has to plough the fields with his hands.

xvi.             He has to carry the load to the market and walk long distances.


Question and Answers:


Q.1    How many independent countries are there in Africa and where is Nigeria?

Ans. Africa is the second-largest continent which consists of more than twenty-five independent countries. Nigeria is one of the largest countries in Africa. It is in West Africa.



Q.2    What is the bush area made up of and where do most Nigeria farmers live?

Ans. The bush area consists of scattered trees with heavy undergrowth in the form of thick bush and grass. Most of the Nigerian farmers live in the villages and farm settlements in the bush area. They construct huts and live in those huts.


Q.3    What is the centre of activities?

Ans. The main centre of activities is the courtyard of the house. Women cook food and work over there and children play there. They only use rooms for resting purposes.

Q.4    What are their food crops and cash crops?

Ans. The crop, which is edible and we use as food is called food crops. The main food crops of Nigeria are plantains, potatoes, yarns, groundnuts and pepper. The crop which is sold to other countries are called cash crops and Nigeria’s cash crops include palm oil and cocoa.

Q.5    Who tends the food crops and the cash crops?

Ans. Food crops are usually tended by women. Whereas, the cash crops are tended by men.



Q.6    What is made from cocoa beans and yield from palm trees?

Ans. From the fruit of the cocoa tree, yield beans which are grounded into powder which forms chocolate. From the palm trees, palm oil is yield. When the oil from the trees is passed through the chemical processors, the palm oil is obtained in pure form.



Q.7    Why was continent Africa called “Dark Continent” once?

Ans. Continent Africa was called “Dark Continent” once because the habitats and civilizations of the people of this continent was not known to the world. Due to their backward living styles and old fashioned traits, this continent seems to be the dull part of this world.



Q.8    Give a brief account of Nigeria?

Ans. Nigeria is situated in West Africa and is one of the largest countries in Africa. Nigeria is basically an agricultural country. It is also a thickly populated country which comprises the majority of farmers. A great part of Nigeria is covered with a dense forest.



Q.9    How is the life of Nigerian farmer differ from Pakistani farmer?

Ans. The life of a Nigerian farmer differs from Pakistani farmer in many ways. Their agricultural style is quite different from ours. They are not in the favour of keeping cattle’s because of the disease which prevents them to use cattle’s in farming. Their daily routine of life also differs from a Pakistani farmer.



Q.10 Describe the changes that are coming or likely to come soon in the life of the bush dwellers in Nigeria.

Ans. Many favourable changes are coming in the life of bush dwellers, which include the availability of transport and communication, health and education, food and water etc. Soon their lifestyle will more be developed because many more modern facilities are making their way in these villages.



Q.11 Describe the life of a Nigerian farmer and his wife?

Ans. The life a Nigerian villager is a model of hard work. From the rising of the sun to the dark, they work in the fields and houses. The farmer usually does all the work related to agriculture and women do household jobs including looking after the food crops.



Q.12 Describe the building style of Nigerian farm.

Ans. The building style of Nigerian farms consist of three styles. The first style is a single-roomed and simple but which is made from thick branches of trees. Another style is the cone-shaped huts made from straw and whose roof is thatched grass, needs or palm trees. The last style is the two or three-roomed huts made of wood or is plastered with mud.


Q.13 Why can Nigerian farmer not rear cattle?

Ans. Nigerian farmers are not interested in rearing cattle because of the major hazards for the cattle. Tse-Tse fly is the sign of dangers for them. On the other hand, it is also dangerous for human beings because it causes unconsciousness state which most of the time ends in death.

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